Monday, May 23, 2005

Why didn't Sith beat Spidey?

So Revenge of the Sith came out last Thursday. It shattered the previous record for an opening day with over $50m. It set new records on its second, third and fourth days at the box office. It made over $108m in its four-day opening weekend.

So why the hell didn't it beat Spider-Man 2's opening weekend?

Turns out it was because ROTS opened on a Thursday but its "opening weekend" numbers only included the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday it was in theaters.

Ah well. Now we really need to sink the Titanic.

update: turns out the original Star Wars whups Titanic when adjusted for inflation and based on estimated number of tickets sold. But Gone with the Wind is the king on both of those charts. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Star Wars is still the best. movie. ever.