Friday, September 29, 2006

new job == stale blog

Yes, it happened. I let my blog go stale. I also haven't been uploading pictures to Flickr.

In my defense, I have a new job. And I doubt many people are reading this anyway, besides maybe sometimes my wife (hi hon!) and even she's probably bored with it by now.

I also haven't been tagging stuff for as much lately since I got a new laptop.

Oh yeah, I got a new laptop. Dell Inspiron 6400 with 1GB RAM, 1.6GHz Core Duo, 60GB HD, WiFi, etc. Pretty nice. I'm running Ubuntu Edgy on it (just dist-upgraded from Dapper) and I have a CentOS VM running under VMware Server (free version) for testing stuff for work.

Oh yeah, I have a new job. We use lots of cool open source stuff. They provided the laptop. Sweeeet. You know you're jealous so just admit it.

OK, so I will upload some new pics to Flickr soon, and I will try to be more diligent about blogging, flickring and tagging.